The Imaging Plaza: A Curated Online Catalog of FAIR Imaging Software





Data type

Imaging codes


Biomedical Imaging


Michael Unser, Laurène Donati, Oksana Riba Grognuz


This project envisions The Imaging Plaza, an online catalog of FAIR imaging software for ETH domain scientists. The need for enhanced visibility and accessibility of Swiss imaging research output inspires this concept. The Imaging Plaza's goal is to simplify non-experts' access to imaging code produced by peers, enabling confident navigation through available options, providing guidance and incentives. Its aim is not to host code but to facilitate discovery. The joint effort involves the EPFL Center for Imaging and the SDSC, with deployment test sites at EPFL, PSI, and ETHZ. Expert curation ensures software is reusable and well-documented. SDSC engineers create shareable runtime environments. Users can navigate the catalog via a tailored search system and a common language (ontology) for imaging. A "FAIR levels" framework indicates code accessibility for untrained users.

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