
Coming up soon: State-of-the-art tutorials

A comprehensive portal with training resources, teaching materials and tutorials on the topics of research data management (RDM) and open research data (ORD) is currently being created. The project will follow Open Educational Resources (OER) principles, with the resources structured as small modifiable modules which can be used as mini-courses.

Status of implementation

Measure 3 of the ETH Domain ORD Programme, aims at imporving the availability and quality of training in the area of research data management for open research data. The measure will be implemented in the project “Open e-Learning Modules for ORD and RDM” by a consortium of the six ETH Domain institutions and under the leadership of Lib4RI (Library for the Research Institutes within the ETH Domain: Eawag, Empa, PSI & WSL), the EPFL Library and the ETH Zurich Scientific IT Services. The project started in January 2024.

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